Architectural Drawings

22241-MA-SL-XX-DR-A-10000-Issue Sheet-P01

Schedule of Accommodation

22241-HQA-Leixlip Creche Amendment Site

22241-MA-CR-ZZ-A-11001-Creche - Floor Plans-P02

22241-MA-CR-ZZ-A-12001-Creche - Elevations -P01

22241-MA-CR-ZZ-A-12002-Creche - Contextual Elevations-P02

22241-MA-CR-ZZ-A-13001-Creche - Sections-P01

22241-MA-ESB-ZZ-A-10001-ESB Poles-P02

22241-MA-ESB-ZZ-A-10002-ESB Pylon-P02

22241-MA-SL-XX--DR-A-11000-OSI Map 1_2500-P01

22241-MA-SL-XX--DR-A-11001-Site Layout - Permitted 1_1000-P01

22241-MA-SL-XX--DR-A-11002-Site Layout - Permitted 1_500-P01

22241-MA-SL-XX--DR-A-11003-Site Layout - Proposed 1_1000-P02

22241-MA-SL-XX--DR-A-11004-Site Layout - Proposed 1_500-P02

22241-MA-SL-XX--DR-A-12001-Contiguous Elevation E-E - Permitted & Proposed-P02

22241-MA-SL-XX--DR-A-12002-Contiguous Elevation K-K - Permitted & Proposed-P02

22241-MA-SL-XX--DR-A-12003-Contiguous Elevation L-L - Permitted & Proposed-P02

22241-MA-SL-XX--DR-A-12004-Contiguous Elevation B-B - Permitted & Proposed-P02

22241-MA-SL-XX--DR-A-12005-Contiguous Elevation G-G - Permitted & Proposed-P02

HT - B2-B1-B1-B2S - First Floor Plan

HT - B2-B1-B1-B2S - Front & Rear Elevations

HT - B2-B1-B1-B2S - Sections

HT - B2-B1-B1-B2S - Side Elevations

HT - B2-B1-B1-B2S - Ground Floor Plan

HT - B3-B3S - Sections

HT - B3-B3S Elevations

HT - B3-B3S Ground & First Floor Plan

HT-A3_A3 - Elevations

HT-A3_A3 - Floor Plans

HT-A3_A3 - Sections

Landscape Drawings

1852 - Rev B - Dwg 01 - Landscape Masterplan - Leixlip South Gate - Cairn - RMDA

1852 - Rev B - Dwg 02 - Landscape Boundary Plan - Leixlip South Gate - Cairn - RMDA

1852 - Rev B - Dwg 02.1 - Boundary Details - Leixlip South Gate - Cairn - RMDA

1852 - Rev B - Dwg 03 - Creche Boundary Details - Leixlip South Gate - Cairn - RMDA

Engineering Drawings

23-005.P002 Drawing Register (Planning Amendment)

LXGS-WM-PH2-GF-DR-C-P151 - Swept Path Analysis - Refuse Vehicle

LXGS-WM-PH2-GF-DR-C-P100 - Proposed Road & Levels Layout

LXGS-WM-PH2-GF-DR-C-P153 - Swept Path Analysis - Standard Vehicle

LXGS-WM-PH2-GF-DR-C-P154 - Swept Path Analysis - Panel Van

LXGS-WM-PH2-GF-DR-C-P200 - Proposed Drainage Layout

LXGS-WM-PH2-GF-DR-C-P300 - Proposed Watermain Layout

Mechanical and Electrical Drawings
